He’s Considering Calling Off His Engagement Since He Now Has To Help Care For His Fiancée’s Little Brother

inna717 - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person
inna717 - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A 21-year-old guy proposed to his 20-year-old fiancée on their second anniversary, but now he’s beginning to doubt if they’re meant to be together forever.

From the start of getting together with his fiancée, she didn’t keep it a secret from him that she had a really unstable family.

Both of his fiancée’s parents are addicted to substances and have been throughout the entire time that she was a child.

“We have always gotten through things and pressed on, but her dad recently has gone off the rails, and now we are taking care of her 5-year-old brother full time,” he explained.

“He has nowhere else to go, and she won’t risk putting him in the foster care system as she herself has gone through the horrors of the US foster system, and I can totally respect that.”

What’s bothering him is that he never signed up to parent his fiancée’s little brother at the age of just 21.

He’s struggling with having to step up and help provide for this poor kid, who has already been bounced around in and out of his and his fiancée’s place.

He feels that he’s so young himself, and he is trying to work things out as an adult.

Adding a child to his plate isn’t really feasible, as he does not think he’s prepared to be a parent, and neither is his fiancée.

inna717 – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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“I just got a good job, a place to rent, and some savings,” he said. “I am just starting off in life, and I had never pictured such complications.”

“My fiancée has said in a bit of an argument that she would just take him and go somewhere else, but I don’t want her to have to do that.”

“This whole situation is just so unfair for the both of us, especially her, and I really consider calling things off, but I’d feel I could never forgive myself. On the other hand, I want a chance to experience life before I’m responsible for someone else’s.”

What do you think he should do?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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