
Kim Kardashian Said She Only Had A Little Work Done In A Cover Story, And People Have A Lot Of Questions

Instead, the star attributed her looks to her over-the-top routines– such as getting laser treatments late in the night after putting her kids to bed.

Nonetheless, when Pergament asked if Kardashian felt guilty for setting unrealistic beauty standards, she doubled down again.

“If I am doing it, it’s attainable,” the star said.

And after the story dropped, people had a lot to say about it.

Anika Reed, an editor at USA Today and adjunct journalism professor at New York University, even commented on the interview.

“The conversation this story has sparked at work this morning… I’ll say this: to have her [Kardashian] in front of you and not press her on what she has had done beyond Botox is irresponsible. And the passing mention that ‘she built her body’ is so frustrating,” Reed wrote on Twitter.

“And I get it. There are relationships to be maintained; it is a profile for a magazine (though arguably THEE beauty magazine), and there is an air of mystery to maintain about how exactly she attains what she attains. But, this doesn’t even scratch the surface,” Reed continued.

Many followers of Reed’s agreed with her sentiment and condemned the interview, referencing BBLS and lip injections.

Like Reed alluded to, perhaps certain questions were deemed off-limits in order to maintain Kardashian’s image and relationship.

To read the original interview, visit the link here. Or, to see Reed’s tweet, visit the link here.

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