She Ingeniously Got Revenge On Her Dad For Calling Her Friends Fat

People, especially parents, can be ruthless. They might say something out of supposed “tough love” or just to be downright rude.
One woman named Victoria recently shared how she finally got revenge on her father after he made some pretty harsh remarks to her as a child.
“In high school, my dad once accused me of only having friends who were fatter than me in order to make myself feel better,” she began.
Of course, this double-jab infuriated Victoria. Plus, the accusation was far from the truth. So, she came up with an ingenious plan to get her dad back.
“The next time I was home alone, I took a seam ripper, and I weakened the crotch seams in all of my dad’s favorite pants,” Victoria said.
She did not damage them to the point of making a hole, though, because that would have been too obvious. Instead, Victoria weakened them just enough to surprise her dad and make him think he was getting fat.
“And then, I also took a seam ripper to his favorite nineties trench coat that he was super proud of. I cut all the threads holding his buttons onto his coat except for one,” she explained.
Victoria did this so her dad could still put the trench coat on. But, once he began to move around, all of the buttons would pop off.
TikTok; pictured above is Victoria
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“Yeah, he never figured it out until I later confessed as an adult. But, I stand by what I did,” she admitted hilariously.
Victoria’s TikTok sharing her evil genius reached two hundred and thirty-five thousand people, gained fifty-eight thousand likes, and prompted hundreds of amused comments.
“First of all, he deserved every bit of that,” wrote one commenter.
“They say boys destroy your things, and girls destroy your soul as a parent. You really said, ‘Bet!'” joked a second user.
“This is the greatest thing I have ever seen,” added a third user, followed by numerous laughing emojis.
It is safe to say that the TikTok community agrees with Victoria– her dad got what he deserved.
Have you ever gotten revenge on your parents? What did you do?
And to watch Victoria’s original TikTok, visit the link here.
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