
She Just Saw Photos From Her Ex-Husband’s Wedding To His New Wife And She Feels Heartbroken

Feodora - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A 35-year-old woman was married to her ex-husband Steve for 4 years. When she did get married to Steve she really was in love with him and he was in love with her.

They even have two young daughters together, and her second child they had as they were divorcing.

She’s been divorced from Steve for close to 5 years now, and she has not found anyone else that she would like to be with, though she has occasionally seen a few guys or gone out on dates.

On the other hand, Steve met a woman 3 years ago whom he recently got married to. She can’t really say anything mean about Steve’s new wife, as she’s incredibly kind to her daughters and that means the world to her.

“…That’s all I need to know to know she’s a good person, so is he, we just didn’t know what we wanted and got married because it felt like we had to,” she explained.

A week ago, Steve tied the knot, and she came across photos of his wedding on social media, as she is friends with his mom.

“I didn’t even know I could still be hurt about this, I honestly never felt heartbroken about the whole thing until now,” she said.

“How happy he looked, like genuinely happy, the way he looked at her in the pictures, I can get our wedding pictures and compare and I’m sure he didn’t look even half as happy and I know for a fact he never looked at me that way.”

“So it was that I wish I could say I’m happy for him, I know he deserves to be happy but just knowing that I was never his person and that he has found it, you can think about it, people can tell you about it but when you actually see the difference, nothing can prepare you for this heartbreak.”

Feodora – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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