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She Refused To Let Her Mom’s Friend Stay In Her Room, So Her Mom Called Her A Selfish Brat

gstockstudio - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A 21-year-old girl lives with her parents at home right now, mostly because where they do live is insanely expensive to rent a house or an apartment.

She really gets on with her mom and dad decently, so it doesn’t bother her having to still live at home with them.

“I pay my parents rent every month and help out with the utilities as well as making dinners and helping clean,” she explained.

“My mom is planning a party for one of her high school friends and has invited other people they went to school with.”

“A few of them are going to be staying at our house. When my mom told me about this, I initially thought nothing of it. We have 3 additional bedrooms aside from ours, two that have beds and an office that we put an air mattress in.”

Several days ago, she arrived back home after getting done with work for the day, and she was surprised when her mom wanted to know if her room was “ready” for her friends to stay in.

She wasn’t sure what her mom was talking about, as she had assumed her mom’s friends would be staying in their other bedrooms or the office.

Apparently, her mom’s friend named Susan had insisted on sleeping in her bedroom and nowhere else in their house.

Her mom said she needed to hurry and pick up her room, put new sheets on her bed, and take her belongings to the office since she would be staying there while Susan was with them.

gstockstudio – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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