
Study Reveals Just How Much Americans Know About Soccer Compared To The Rest Of The World

glebcallfives - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

The sport of soccer got its start in England back in 1863 and has reigned as the world’s most popular sport ever since.

And while many Americans might associate the United States with football, soccer has only grown in national popularity over the past decades.

But, being that soccer is still only the fourth most popular sport here in the states,  Americans’ knowledge of the game is not exactly widespread.

In fact, a new study conducted by revealed just how much Americans really know about the game compared to the rest of the world.

Five hundred U.S. citizens were randomly selected, along with five hundred people from numerous countries across the globe, and were all asked about different rules of the game.

A majority of the U.S. group did not know the basics, including how many players are on the field at one time, how long a soccer game lasts, and what a soccer field is called.

They also failed to know numerous rules– such as how goalies cannot always use their hands, that slide tackles are a legal move, and what color card referees give players after they are sent off the field.

The study also revealed how sports watching in the U.S. differs from the rest of the world.

Every year, about fifty-four percent of Americans prefer to tune into the super bowl, while thirty percent prefer watching the Men’s World Cup.

glebcallfives – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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