This Dog Went In For A Routine Checkup And The Vet Noticed A 6-Inch Mass On Her

Like a majority of the world, I have grown up with pets my entire life, I even plan to get a dog and a cat with my boyfriend in the next coming months. But I am never prepared for when any of my pets have gotten sick.

In the fall of 2021, my cat Tiger’s health started to decline, and it was a very emotional time. But he lived a long life, filled with love and family.

Lexi McPike is, unfortunately, going through the same thing, the sickness of her best friend and dog, Nala.

Lexi took Nala to a new vet for a routine wellness check. The vet started checking Nala’s belly, and she felt a large mass.

They took some x-rays, and they showed a large growth. The oncologist confirmed that the mass was a 6-inch splenic tumor.

They’re not sure what type of mass or tumor it is, just that it needs to come out before it ruptures.

“Nala is on restricted activity and is scheduled for surgery next week,” she explained on a GoFundMe page.

“Those of you who know me can probably guess how I’m dealing with this. Nala is my entire life, and I’m doing my best to be strong for her. While we are hopeful for a good outcome and solid recovery, I cannot help but worry for my girl.”

GoFundMe; pictured above is Nala

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From personal experience, I know how stressful the illness of someone close to you is. The stress of having to find the money to pay for expensive procedures, x-rays, and other tests.

During this hard time, Lexi also was going through some huge life changes as well. Moving cross-country, work change, and just being financially strapped. Nala is Lexi’s family, and she would all her money to ensure she was given the care she deserves.

Lexi posted an update on June 7th, letting people know that the test results from the tumor were ready. The tumor was benign. So optimistically, surgery should be curative, and Nala shouldn’t need any chemo or other treatments.

“I didn’t want to get too deep into what exactly we’ve been facing here in my earlier posts because I was afraid of even speaking about the worst outcomes,” she continued.

“Splenic tumors are incredibly dangerous–they grow quickly and quietly, often rupturing and causing dogs to bleed out internally.”

“2/3 of splenic masses are malignant, and 2/3 of those are a very aggressive cancer called hemangiosarcoma. Most dogs with malignant splenic tumors have devastatingly poor prognoses/outcomes. It isn’t lost on me how fortunate we were to not be a part of that statistic. She truly beat the odds.”

Lexi expressed her gratitude to everyone that donated and shared their support.

If I had to go through this situation with any of my pets, I don’t know what I would’ve done. How would you have handled the stress?

You can read the original post on GoFundMe here.

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