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This Man Refuses To Let His Girlfriend’s Twelve-Year-Old Daughter Move Back In With Them

So, he decided to take drastic measures and told his girlfriend that her daughter “had to go”– even if that meant losing his girlfriend.

“My girlfriend asked for more time and said she would make it work,” the man recalled.

“She also explained how she could not leave her job and school since it would push her degree further away. I just said her daughter had to go– no more discussion.”

In turn, the girlfriend’s parents ended up taking her daughter in until she finished college. And apparently, everyone was happy about this– including the daughter.

But, more trouble struck once the twelve-year-old began school in a new district.

“Her grandparents live two hours away in a very poor school district, and she is getting bullied really bad,” the man continued.

“She told her mom it’s because of race, and it has gotten physical twice.”

Due to this, the daughter has been begging to return to the man’s home.

The man’s girlfriend believes the tough experience was the “kick” she needed to jumpstart a more respectful attitude toward the man.

However, he is still completely against it.

“I refused. I do not want her here anymore. Life is peaceful– I am not being attacked anymore, and I am living the life I want without judgment,” the man added.

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