This TikToker Took Their 96-Year-Old Grandma To The Movies And Shared The Heartwarming Story

A TikToker named J recently took their ninety-six-year-old grandma named Ruby to the movies– specifically, the new Elvis film starring Austin Butler.
In a now-viral video, J discusses how taking out an older loved one is not always the easiest feat. But, their experience at the movies can teach people a lot about patience and kindness.
“For a ninety-six-year-old to go anywhere, there needs to be a lot of alignment, right?” J began.
“She needs to feel good, her body needs to not hurt, her body needs to be in the right frame of reference, or else she is not going anywhere.”
Thankfully, though, on the day of the movie, J explained how grandma Ruby hit “the trifecta”– she was feeling great and was all ready to go.
Still, Ruby needed some encouragement along their journey.
For example, after arriving at the theatre, J hopped out of the car and grabbed Ruby’s walker. But, she did not want to use it, even though she should really be in a wheelchair.
“So she started walking very slowly to the movie theatre, and she got tired. I said grandma, just sit down on the walker, and I will push you!” J said.
TikTok; pictured above is J
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Eventually, grandma Ruby gave in and sat down. But, she also began to cry.
“I feel like I cannot do anything,” Ruby said to J.
Heartbroken, J told their grandma to “just wait” for the fun to begin. Then, they began racing their grandma through the parking lot like a kid in the grocery store.
“I pushed her so fast that I thought maybe she was going to fall out. And then, she giggled like she was seven years old in a shopping cart going down the aisles,” J recalled.
Next came the candy line, where Ruby picked out a classic KitKat bar before heading toward the theatre playing Elvis.
Like most people, Ruby did not want to sit too close to the screen, though. So, she had to walk up some stairs before arriving at her seat.
“But the seats in Ontario are huge! They are these high, leather recliners that she cannot get into. She is little– she can fit in my pocket!” J said.
So, they lifted up Ruby and hoisted her into the seat before the movie started. And instead of becoming upset, Ruby continued to “giggle like a kid.”
Finally, the movie began, and J described how their grandma thought the surround sound was way too loud.
And, since Ruby lived through the same years portrayed in the Elvis movie, she also made many comments about her own perspective throughout the evening– perhaps a bit too loudly.
Nonetheless, J went with it and had a great time with their grandma. More importantly, though, the outing made Ruby’s entire week.
“The movie ended, we pulled her out of the seat, got her into her walker, and rolled her away fast again. And she said, ‘That was the most lovely thing I have done in forever. Thank you,” J said.
J’s story has warmed the hearts of over 3.7 million viewers on TikTok.
People from around the world appreciated J’s patience and persistence in trying to show their grandma a good time and are so happy that Ruby enjoyed her evening.
“She probably felt young in spirit that day. Lovely story,” commented one user.
“Thank you for allowing us to come with you and your grandma to the movies,” wrote another commenter.
“This was a heartwarming story. That probably made her year,” said a third.
To watch J’s original TikTok, visit the link here.
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