People Discuss All The Reasons Why They Believe That They Are Difficult To Date

Whether you scroll through dating apps or prefer to meet people the old-fashioned way, singles tend to have one thing in common– they judge dating prospects pretty quickly.
You might pass assumptions based on someone’s appearance, job, values, interests– the list goes on and on. But, how often do you self-reflect and think about why dating yourself might be difficult? Two hundred Reddit users recently took the time to consider this alternate perspective and shared their own dating flaws and difficulties.
Some Are Introverted
“I am a very closed-off person, and I have trouble connecting with people.”
“I really need my alone time being an introvert. I cannot deal with a needy partner.”
“Same. Also, some people give off a certain charism, and– whether it is good or bad– they can attract a lot of people. I do not have that ‘charisma.'”

Drobot Dean – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person
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Others Struggle With Accepting Love
“I am not used to being loved. So, when I am, I tend to get clingy since I do not want it to go away.”
“I also extremely overthink. I will constantly doubt myself and cause many issues to the point where I drive my partner away.”
“I genuinely do not understand that I can be loved. It must be pretty awful for my spouse to tell me daily he loves me, and I cannot accept it. All the evidence says that he really does love me. But, for some damn reason, I just cannot process it.”
Being Independent And Career-Focused Can Also Make Dating Difficult
“I am EXTREMELY independent and need the ability to move about in life. For example, I prefer to work jobs that allow me to operate autonomously and travel when I want or need to.”
“I do not NEED anyone. I WANT someone. But, I also realize they want me around more than I want to be tied down in one place. I cannot do office jobs for this reason. I will burn the place to the ground in less than a month.”
“I am too goal-oriented for a female… I have been called intimidating more than once. Apparently, guys like the damsel types more; girls who do not talk about their career goals.”
“You would think I know this given that I write romance. But no– I like having a lot of strong opinions and banter. And I don’t want to change that for a guy, but it makes me hard to approach in the first place.”
As Does Mental Health Struggles
“Social anxiety is my number one factor.”
“I am mentally unhinged.”
“I always have– for whatever reason– been terrified of disappointing someone, getting in trouble, and being yelled at. This is amplified by my anxiety and self-loathing, so I would probably feel like I am constantly letting my significant other down.”
Do you think that understanding your own dating struggles can help make dating easier on yourself and a potential partner?
To read the complete Reddit thread, visit the link here.
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