She Banned Her Nephew From Her Wedding After He Cut Up Her Wedding Dress

Shotmedia - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person
Shotmedia - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

This woman and her fiancé are getting married in two months and have had a blast planning the event.

But, the pair have also had to make some tough decisions– one being that they will not invite the woman’s nephew.

According to the woman, her nephew’s behavior has been out of control for a while. He does not listen to adults, cannot sit still, and is extremely disruptive.

The nephew has also been suspended from school multiple times, banned from other family events, and cannot hold down a steady babysitter because he is so hard to deal with.

But, the real reason why the woman decided to ban her sister’s son was that he messed with her wedding dress.

The woman is a fashion designer who decided to create her own custom gown. And one day, during the process, her sister showed up unannounced with her niece and nephew.

“I invited them both in, but I told them all not to go in my office since I was working on something in there– my dress,” the woman recalled.

But, while she was fixing up some snacks in the kitchen for the kids, her nephew snuck into the woman’s office.

Then, he did the unimaginable– the nephew took fabric scissors and cut up his aunt’s gown.

Shotmedia – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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Understandably, the woman was extremely upset. Nonetheless, her sister did not even make her son apologize and instead blamed the incident on the woman. The sister said she should have never left the scissors out, knowing her nephew was around.

Following the whole ordeal, the woman and her fiancé eventually agreed that the nephew should not be allowed to attend the wedding. After all, what else could he potentially ruin on their big day? When the woman told her sister, though, she became infuriated.

“She freaked out and said that if her son is not allowed to go, then she will not be attending,” the woman explained.

Then, the sister took to Facebook and made a post about how the woman “hates her nephew” and is not inviting him because of a dress. The sister also complained to their mother, who surprisingly took the sister’s side.

“My mom says it’s unfair for me to invite my niece and not my nephew since I am going to make my nephew feel like there is something wrong with him,” the woman said.

Still, the woman’s brother entirely agrees with her. He believes that the disinvite might force their sister to really think about and handle her son’s behavior instead of pretending like nothing is wrong.

Despite her brother and fiancé’s support, though, the woman still feels bad about not inviting her nephew.  She just does not want all of her wedding planning to go to waste if he decides to act out again on the big day.

If you were the woman, would you disinvite your nephew, too? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek
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