
He Finally Told His Siblings That Their Mother Was The One Who Had An Affair And Ruined Their Parents’ Marriage, Not Their Father

Afterward, though, he kind of felt guilty for turning over old stones and reached out to his mother to see if everything was okay. But, she did not answer the phone, so he went to her house.

And once there, he realized that his mother was being super distant. Then, his mother’s new husband even called him a total jerk for telling his siblings about the affair and making them hate her.

So now, he is not sure if telling his siblings the truth was the right thing to do.

He knows that this is really tough on his mother and hates seeing his family go through turmoil again.

At the same time, though, he did not want his father or Rose to continue being regarded as the “evil” people in his parents’ downfall.

Do you think he should feel bad about setting the record straight? Should the responsibility ever have fallen to him as a child? If you had been in his shoes, what would you have done? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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