
She Will Not Hand Over Her Late Daughter’s Wedding Dress For Her Second Daughter To Wear To Her Own Wedding

Marc Calleja - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

After this fifty-five-year-old woman and her husband got married, she welcomed two daughters into the world, Opal and Amelia.

Her eldest, Opal, was even set to get married to her fiancé, Jack, four years ago. But Opal and Jack tragically passed away.

In turn, she was left with her beloved daughter’s wedding dress that never got to be worn.

“I kept the dress, and I don’t look at it much anymore. But, it’s just one of those things that remind me of her, and also Jack, who I viewed as my son,” she explained.

Nonetheless, her second daughter, Amelia, is now set to marry a man named Liam. And the wedding planning has stirred up a whole bunch of old feelings regarding Opal’s passing.

It all began when Amelia asked if she could wear Opal’s wedding dress for her own wedding. Apparently, Amelia claimed to love the gown’s style and design but wanted to make a few “tweaks” to make the dress better match her tastes.

But, she said absolutely not– which Amelia did not take well.

“Amelia told me that Opal did not wear it, so no one has seen it. Plus, I can’t keep it in a corner gathering dust forever,” she recalled.

“Amelia also said life is for the living, and I am making things harder for her. She offered to pay and buy it from me, but I still refused.”

Marc Calleja – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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