
After Being Stalked For 4 Years, She Decided To Share Her Story Online, But Her Stalker Found The Post, And His Threats Only Escalated

On top of that, her stalker had shattered the glass frame and filled the box with the glass shards.

So, she phoned the police immediately and showed them everything. And thankfully, the officials were much more concerned this time and said they would be sending patrol cars to monitor her apartment.

In turn, her stalker did not show up or deliver any more letters or gifts to her apartment for another week and a half.

But then, it all started again with more letters.

This time, though, the letters were harsher toward her. Apparently, the stalker accused her of not appreciating his “effort” and claimed that he had wasted his time and been wrong about her being special.

Then, when she left her apartment about a week ago, she stepped out onto her front door mat and heard a “crunch” sound.

She realized that sometime during the night before, her stalker had been right outside her apartment and placed more broken glass underneath the mat.

At that point, though, she was already running late for work. So, she planned to just call her boyfriend on the way and tell him to contact the police again.

But, lo and behold, after arriving at her car, she found that her stalker had completely vandalized it. The headlights were smashed in, the sides were scratched, and the windshield had a painted message on it.

“It’s time soon, Miss,” the message read.

This utterly freaked her out, and she ended up going back inside to call the cops herself. And the authorities’ concern only grew larger– partly because of the size of the crime as well as her growing frustration with their lack of investigative efforts.

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