
Monster Cookies With Fudge Guts Are A Great Thing To Make Just In Time For Halloween

“C is for cookie,” a blue muppet once sang. “That is good enough for me!”

You must have heard about the phrase “cookie monster.” Or maybe you are one yourself? I mean, who doesn’t like cookies? Especially when Halloween is just around the corner.

TikTok account @canihavemorecookies shared a reversed version of the well-known “Cookie Monster” from Sesame Street as she invented her monster cookies.

What’s so special about this Halloween recipe is it is more than just a regular cookie. The TikToker has ganache inserted in the cookies.

Now that feels deluxe with deliciousness upgraded.

Here are the ingredients you need!

For the ganache center:

  1. 1 cup of semi-sweet chocolate chips
  2. 1 pinch of salt
  3. 1/2 cup of warmed heavy whipping cream

TikTok; pictured above are the cookies

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