
She Found Out Her College Dorm Room Was Haunted Because The Students Who Lived There The Year Before Accidentally Used An Ouija Board To Attract A Malevolent Spirit 

Then, about an hour later, a petite girl showed up at her dorm room and started asking suspicious questions. More specifically, the girl asked if she and her roommates had been experiencing anything weird while staring directly at her.

Of course, she said yes. And then, the student revealed that the year before she moved in, some freaky stuff went down in her form room.

Apparently, the group of people who had lived in her room the year prior decided to use an Ouija board. And in the process, those students accidentally drew a malevolent spirit into the room.

“She explained that she was in touch with the spirit realm and didn’t think the entity was still there. But, its energy remained along with some others that were drawn to it– one of those energies being a woman,” she detailed.

However, the student began looking pointedly at her again after that and asking if the entity had been picking on her. So, she was forced to explain everything– all of the running, fridge slamming, and panic attacks.

And apparently, the student claimed that they could tell. They believed that she had very bright and light energy that the entity was drawn to.

Shockingly, though, the student then also revealed that they sensed another energy in the room– one that was more protective. So, the student asked if she had any loved ones pass away recently who might have wanted to shelter her from harm.

“I immediately responded yes, as I have had many family and friends pass over my lifetime. But what she asked next gave me chills,” she recalled.

“She proceeded to ask with her head cocked if my relative’s name was John. My grandpa John passed shortly after I was born. I barely knew him, and there was no way she could have known his name.”

She was understandably stunned after that. However, the student went on to explain how she should not worry too much because her grandpa’s energy was just there to protect her.

And after the student left, she and her roommates decided to turn the entire situation into a kind of joke and gave the female ghost a name– Avery. This made the creepiness a bit easier to cope with, and the group ended up naming Avery an honorary roommate to lighten the situation.

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