
She Told Her Sister Not To Have Another Baby Because Her Boyfriend Already Does Not Do Anything For The First One

“I want to help ’cause I love her and my niece. But I work a lot too, and the drive is long, and I am just tired a lot,” she vented.

Anyway, with all of this backstory, you may be thinking that her sister needs to find a new partner or have a serious sit-down with her current boyfriend, right?

Well, she did, too. And then, two weeks ago, her sister dropped a total bomb and revealed that she was going to do the exact opposite. More specifically, her sister actually said that she wanted to have another kid.

Apparently, her sister and her boyfriend are starting to try for a second child. And, if all goes well, they are hoping that the second baby will arrive by next Thanksgiving.

She was obviously completely caught off guard by the announcement, though. And honestly, she could not hold back her opinion.

“Are you sure it’s a good idea to have a second baby when your boyfriend barely helps you with the first one?” she actually blurted out. Oh boy!

If you could not have guessed it, her sister immediately got defensive and tried to claim that her boyfriend did really help out around the house. Her sister’s claims could not fool her, though.

Instead, she reminded her sister how she had seen the lack of effort with her own two eyes. But her sister refused to come to terms with it and actually just threw the blame back on her.

“Well, maybe if you helped more, then it would not seem like everything is on my shoulders,” her sister said.

This prompted some serious back-and-forth arguing before she just could not take it anymore and ended up leaving.

Unfortunately, though, the chaos was still far from over– because apparently, word of her comments also got back to her family.

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