Her Husband Invited His Family Over For Dinner Again, Gave Her Very Little Notice, And Got Really Drunk, So She Told Him Off In Front Of Her In-Laws

Africa Studio - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Africa Studio - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman’s in-laws went over to her house for dinner again this past week. Apparently, her husband’s family had also gone over the prior week and the week before that.

Now, she claims that she is not really consulted about these visits. Instead, her husband just informs her that they are happening– and she sometimes only gets little to no notice that they are having guests over at all.

The first visit two weeks ago had a whopping thirty people in attendance. But thankfully, she claims her husband did give her a lot of notice for that dinner.

Then, the week before last, fifteen of her in-laws came over. And honestly, she believes both of those times went well.

“I feel I was a good and welcoming host. I made food, cleaned up, made conversation, etc.,” she said.

One afternoon this past week, though, she was especially exhausted and not feeling too great. She had a lot going on at work and had not been sleeping well.

On top of that, she and her husband also have a young daughter who happened to arrive home from daycare that day with a cough.

Apparently, her whole family had been dealing with bought of sickness, in addition to dealing with some “really big transitions” over the past month.

Despite that, her husband approached her at about 3:00 p.m. to inform her that six of his family members would be coming over for dinner again.

Africa Studio – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Now, she immediately told him that she was not feeling well. She also admitted that she was upset with her husband since he never asked her before confirming the plan with his family.

“I was also upset because we had only had one dinner together this week. The previous night he had been at a work dinner and was over at his dad’s earlier in the week, plus we had already had the family,” she explained.

Despite that, she claims that her husband first disregarded her concerns altogether and left the room.

Then, he later went back, apologized, and reassured her that the following week would be “quiet”– meaning no family, and they could just spend time together.

Plus, her husband ended up telling her that she could just stay upstairs that night and not have to worry about cleaning up or anything. After all, dinner was already taken care of.

So, before her in-laws arrived, she decided to have an early dinner with her daughter. Then, she put her daughter to bed at about 7:00 p.m.– which just so happened to be when her in-laws arrived.

Still, she stayed upstairs at first and rested in bed. But then, she ended up going downstairs to explain how she was not feeling well and inform her in-laws that her daughter was sleeping.

After doing that and going back to bed, though, she realized that there was still a lot of noise coming from downstairs. In fact, her in-law’s children were running all over, and they even woke up her daughter.

So, by 9:00 p.m., she went downstairs again to confront her in-laws. As soon as she walked in, though, she realized that her husband was drunk and slurring his words.

“Because when he gets together with his dad, they drink,” she revealed.

And after hearing her husband like that, she honestly lost it in front of her in-laws. First, she asked her husband to stop drinking and told him he would be grumpy and hungover the following day.

She also told her husband that she was tired of his behavior and sick of cleaning up after everyone.

In hindsight, she admits to not remembering every single thing that she said because she was so enraged. However, she claims that she did not yell or curse and remembers telling her husband that his behavior was unhealthy and not okay.

Now, this heated argument with her husband in front of his family clearly made her in-laws uncomfortable. Despite witnessing that and knowing that she was sick, though, they still stayed at her house until 10:00 p.m. Plus, the kids kept making a ton of noise, and her in-laws never offered any help.

Anyway, her husband and his dad ended up passing out. And ever since then, she has felt pretty embarrassed about losing her composure.

“I feel knots in my gut and guilt for not holding it in,” she vented.

At the same time, though, she is also just so fed up with her husband and cannot contain her upset any longer.

So now, she has been left wondering if causing a scene and calling her husband out in front of his family was the wrong thing to do or not.

Why do you think her husband routinely makes plans without consulting her or giving her no notice? Is it a red flag that her husband seemingly gets wasted every time he is with his family? Did she have a right to tell her husband off? If you had been in her shoes, what would you have done? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek
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