Her Parents Got An Elevator Installed In Their House, And Now Their Elderly Dog Uses It So He Doesn’t Have To Worry About The Stairs

Anna Belova - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual dog
Anna Belova - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual dog

When you own a dog, sometimes it feels like there is nothing you wouldn’t do for your furry friend. They’re one of the world’s greatest companions and are often considered an official member of the family.

When a family dog gets old, it can be really hard to watch. However, it’s good to know that there are people out there who will do whatever they can to make sure their older dog is comfortable.

In a recent TikTok that has gone viral, Logan Mendicino (@loganmend624) shows off an amazing feature in her parent’s beach house that makes life pretty sweet for their senior dog. 

In Logan’s video, her family’s 15-year-old dog named Jackson can be seen riding in a tiny little elevator down to the living room at their beach house. Yes, the dog was riding in what seemed to be his own little elevator.

“When you’re 15 and the best boy ever, so your parents get you an elevator,” Logan captioned her video. How cute is that?!

The video received over 1 million likes, which isn’t very surprising considering how cute Jackson is, in addition to the mind-blowing concept of an at-home dog elevator.

In a follow-up video, Logan answers some of the most frequent questions that TikTok users had for her following the video’s success.

Logan reveals that the elevator was added to her parent’s beach house during recent renovations. We hate to spoil the fun, but the elevator was actually not installed with Jackson in mind.

“During those renovations, they [Logan’s parents] decided to put in this elevator, so when they get older, they’re able to access the stairs,” says Logan.

Anna Belova – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual dog

“For right now, it works great for Jackson the dog. He loves it. It’s much easier than carrying him up the stairs.”

Some TikTok viewers saw the video and thought Jackson looked terrified in the elevator.

“He’s not,” responded Logan. “He loves it. He just jumps right in.”

Users on the app cannot get enough of Jackson riding in the elevator. Many of them continue to show lots of love every time Logan posts a new video of him in it.

“All dogs deserve this kind of life,” commented one user.

We agree!

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