His Wife Became Obsessed With Medical Television Shows And Wants To Become A Doctor Now, But He Is Refusing To Allow Her To Apply To Medical School

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 35-year-old man is a software engineer who regards himself as “relatively wealthy.” He also has a 34-year-old wife who currently stays home in order to take care of their two children– a choice she reportedly made.

Now, he claims that he has been trying to be financially responsible. His two main goals are to save up enough money for his and his wife’s retirement fund, as well as their children’s college education.

Recently, though, his wife has started to get into a few different medical television shows. So now, she has reportedly changed her mind about being a stay-at-home mom and has become obsessed with the idea of being a doctor.

Moreover, his wife has decided to apply to a bunch of different medical schools and has been trying to convince him to pay for the application fees.

But, to be quite honest, he thinks this is a stupid decision. First of all, he pointed out how his wife has been out of her communications degree for eleven years now. Plus, he revealed that she has not even taken the MCAT and is refusing to do so first.

“Because she thinks that studying for it will slow down her timeline,” he said.

His wife is also adamant about applying to numerous schools– at least 50, to be exact– in order to maximize her chances of getting accepted.

Altogether, though, 50 applications would exceed $1,000– which is a huge chunk of change to invest.

So, even though he and his wife reportedly agreed in the past that they could occasionally buy necessities and other things they want without joint approval if the price is under $1,000, his wife’s medical school applications are not under that threshold. This means that she needs his approval to move forward, and he really just does not approve at all.

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

He also admitted that if his wife did get into medical school, then her tuition alone would wreck all of their finances. On top of that, they would be left scrambling regarding a bunch of other childcare issues.

Anyway, all of this pushed him to have a tough conversation with his wife. He attempted to explain that her dream of being a doctor just was not realistic, and he also suggested that she start by taking a smaller step into the medical field first– for instance, by becoming a CNA or a nurse.

“It’s more realistic for her to get that position and then advance to medical school,” he reasoned.

His wife, though, did not agree with him whatsoever and apparently became really angry. Then, she accused him of trying to steal her career aspirations away.

So now, with his wife really upset, he has been left wondering whether not letting his wife go to medical school is the right decision or not.

Do you believe medical television shows accurately represent what a career in medicine is like? Regardless, do you agree that it is unrealistic for his wife to want to go straight into medical school? Were his suggestions of becoming a nurse or CNA first a good idea to dip her toe into the medical field? If you were in his shoes, how would you try to reason with your wife? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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