She Refused To Let Her Youngest Daughter Attend Her Eldest Daughter’s Wedding Because Her Youngest Wanted To Show Up In An “Emo Outfit”

Semenova Jenny - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Semenova Jenny - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman has two daughters– her eldest, Ashley, is 26-years-old, and her youngest, Alex, is 15. And because of their age difference, she claims that Ashley and Alex do not really get along that well.

However, after Ashley got engaged, that started to change– because apparently, her eldest allowed Alex to help out with all of the wedding planning.

“It was really nice of her to include Alex in this,” she added.

But the wedding was just a couple of days ago. And unfortunately, it did not go quite as planned.

For context, everyone was supposed to attend wearing formal attire. So, prior to the event, she and Alex both purchased long dresses. Alex’s dress was sage green– which was a departure from her normal wardrobe.

“Alex normally wears emo clothes at the moment, which is fine,” she said.

Still, she thought her youngest daughter understood that for Ashley’s wedding, there would be a much different dress code expectation.

Well, come the day of the wedding, Alex reportedly walked down their stairs at home in a pretty shocking outfit.

She claims that her daughter had cut a slit in the green dress that was so high she could see Alex’s underwear when she walked fast.

Semenova Jenny – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Plus, Alex had on a large skull necklace and earrings, “punk rock” boots, and very dark makeup.

“I just don’t get why she would do that. It was inappropriate to dress like that for the event. There is a time and place,” she vented.

So, she told Alex to quickly take the jewelry off. Then, she asked her daughter to hand over the dress. That way, she could fix the slit or at least make it a bit shorter.

Her daughter was not happy, though, and refused to do that. Alex also claimed that the outfit was “fine” and fit within the dress code.

But she completely disagreed with that and told Alex that unless the dress was fixed, then she would be staying at home.

Still, Alex would not budge. So, she ended up leaving home and arrived at the venue really early before the wedding.

Then, once in person, she brought the issue up to her eldest daughter, Ashley, and together, they agreed that it would be best for Alex not to attend the event.

However, she did want to make it clear that right afterward, she texted Alex one more time– telling her daughter that if she changed the outfit, then she would pick Alex up in time for the wedding.

Regardless, Alex reportedly never texted her back. So, her youngest daughter ended up missing the entire wedding.

And while Ashley understood why Alex was not there– and honestly did not want her sister to attend looking “like that” either– her husband has been furious with her ever since.

In fact, he accused her of being a jerk for barring Alex from the wedding. Alex, too, has refused to talk to her since the event.

So now, with her family pretty divided over the outfit debacle, she has been left wondering whether not allowing Alex to attend Ashley’s wedding because of the “emo outfit” was justified or not.

Are weddings the right time to express your own personal style? Was it wrong of Alex to try and customize the dress, even though it was not what her sister– the bride– wanted? Do you think she gave her daughter enough of an opportunity to fix the situation and attend the event? If you had been in her shoes, how would you have handled this? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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