
How To Tell If Your Partner Is Right For You Long-Term Or Only Right For You Right Now

An ideal partner places your wants and needs equally essential to their own. So, if your new partner tends to take your needs actively and wants into consideration and is noticeably happy making you happy, you’ve got a keeper for the long haul.

Relationships are often full of compromises and collaboration, so a partner who shows an interest in doing so early on is a good sign.

#7: They have clear and concise boundaries. 

You do not want a partner who cannot communicate clearly when they are happy or unhappy about something.

Boundaries are important because they share what will and will not be tolerated in a relationship.

If you have a partner who has clear boundaries and actively wants to learn about and respect your boundaries, you have a partner worth keeping long-term.

#8: They take responsibility for their actions.

Let’s say your new partner does something to upset you. If they offer a sincere apology that considers your perspective of what they did wrong and provides a solution not to upset you again, you have a good one.

If they spout off a quick fake apology or attempt to gaslight you in any way, it’s best not to keep them for much longer. Manipulative behavior is unlikely to stop as the relationship continues if it pops up early on.

#9: They demonstrate they are trustworthy.

Trust is one of the pillars of a long-lasting relationship. If your new partner demonstrates trustworthiness by respecting boundaries, keeping vulnerable secrets to themselves, and never talking wrong about you behind your back to family or friends, you’ve got a one.

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