No Matter If You Love Or Hate The Kardashians, This TikToker’s Parodies Of The Famous Family Will Have You Rolling On The Floor Laughing

Roman - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Roman - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Ever since Keeping Up With The Kardashians debuted in 2007, the mega-famous family has continued to thrive on television, social media, and in the business world.

And whether or not you love or hate the group of sisters, they have remained almost like a centerpiece in pop culture conversations.

We simply cannot escape the Kardashians’ influence on virtually everything– from discussions of body image expectations to shapewear, skincare, bikinis, and more.

Let’s be honest, though. Despite the family facing a lot of scrutiny over the past decade and a half, can’t we all admit that their reality TV show is downright entertaining?

I mean, the drama is unmatched. Plus, if you do not already sit on the edge of your seat during every episode, then the snide remarks, passive-aggressive comments, and full-on breakdowns are sure to keep you laughing.

The sheer ridiculousness of the show at times has also paved the way for numerous comedians to poke fun at the Kardashian’s attitudes, behaviors, choices, and reactions while they deal with not-so-real-world problems.

Although, the most popular and hilarious comedian to date has been Boman Martinez-Reid– a video content creator who got his claim to fame on TikTok after reenacting hysterical Kardashian parodies.

On his account, @Bomanizer, Boman acts alongside his family and friends to recreate scenes based on Keeping Up With The Kardashians– poking fun at all of the girls’ vocal intonations, mannerisms, and quirky tendencies.

One of the best parts about Boman’s videos, though, is not just the script. Rather, he actually adds different music tracks in the background that completely dramatize the acting and replicates how the classic reality TV adds in soundtracks to spice up the drama.

Roman – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

For instance, this seventy-second-long video of Boman trying to tell his “sisters” that he had a serious health scare (a headache) is ten times funnier with the addition of the music.

When he first reveals he had a “health scare,” the music is tense and then somber.

Later, after Boman claimed he checked WebMD and found out that he had a “brain-eating amoeba,” one of the supposed sisters (I’m guessing Kourtney) pointed out how WebMD is not a great resource, and Boman got nasty. And the music change perfectly replicated the unfolding of drama at the drop of a hat.

“So rude. I have to get up, and I have to take a second,” the TikToker said in classic Kardashian attitude and vocal fry.

Other amazing gems from Boman’s TikTok account include parodies about the sisters receiving a Nobel Peace Prize, anecdotes about astrology, and recreations of what might happen after Kris Jenner posts an unflattering photo of one of her daughters. Cough, cough, lawsuit.

Anyway, it is clear that the rest of the world absolutely Boman’s videos, too, since he has gained over two million followers on the platform.

So, if you have not watched any of the iconic “Bomanizer’s” videos, what are you waiting for? Sit back with a glass of wine, and relax as you scroll through his too-true Kardashian spoofs.

To visit his TikTok account, you can click the link here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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