She Says That A Cute Little Dog Nearly Ended Up Getting Her Kidnapped And Here’s Her Chilling Story

ksuksa - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual dog
ksuksa - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual dog

Few things bring me more joy than seeing an adorable dog on the street. Getting the chance to pet a dog in the middle of the day is such a sweet little treat.

But did you know that, in some cases, seeing a cute animal hanging out in the street could be a sneaky trap?

One woman shared how she’s convinced she was almost abducted after approaching a dog she saw in a parking lot.

After finishing high school, she got a summer job in an office. Unfortunately, the office location wasn’t in the nicest part of town. It was mostly filled with parking lots, gas stations, and a few restaurants near a freeway. 

To be closer to work, she rented an apartment that was about 20 minutes away from her office and would walk every day. She’d typically cut through a big parking lot to get to work.

“One morning on my usual route, right before my shortcut, I spotted an adorable little fluffy white dog halfway across the parking lot,” she says. “I was excited and wanted to pet her on my way in.”

She bent down to pet the cute dog and then looked up at the man holding the leash. Immediately, she got a bad vibe from him.

He appeared to be in his fifties and was wearing a baseball cap and dark sunglasses. She wondered what he could be doing in the parking lot so early in the morning. There was nothing in that area to do, especially not with a dog. 

As she was petting the dog, she noticed that he began slowly using it to guide her toward his white van in the parking lot, which had its back door open.

ksuksa – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual dog

She quickly turned around and rushed over to her office building. She bolted up the stairs and stopped on a landing to look through a window to see if the man had followed her. Sure enough, he did.

The man carried the dog to the building and tried to get in. Thankfully, the door was locked. After an hour of working, she looked back out the window in the staircase before heading outside for a break.

That’s when she saw the man with the dog exiting her building! Somehow he had gotten in but was unable to find her.

She frantically told her boss about this scary guy, and the office was told to be on the lookout. That evening, she got a ride home from her co-worker and hasn’t taken that parking lot shortcut to her office since.

“I never saw the man or his dog again, but I learned a valuable lesson,” she explains. “Always be aware of your surroundings and trust your gut.”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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