She’s In Love With Her Best Friend, But She’s Scared Of Making A Move Because She Doesn’t Want To Do Anything To Destroy The Relationship That He Has With Her Children

artmim - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
artmim - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 30-year-old woman is a mom of 3 children. She first got pregnant when she was just 17, and at 18, she became a mom to a little girl.

When she turned 25, she got married, and then at 27, she gave birth to her twins. Her ex-husband sadly cheated on her with one of his coworkers while she was 7 months pregnant with the twins, and then he didn’t want to be a dad. Her ex ended up giving his rights up to their children.

Now, she has a best friend named M, who has been by her side throughout all of this. M has been her best friend since they were both back in high school.

M never was ashamed of her being pregnant and a teen and M was always the person she came home and called when she attended every doctor appointment.

M brought her food throughout her pregnancy, and then when she had her first child, M stepped in to change her diapers, burp her, and feed her.

He learned all of these responsibilities a parent needs to, and she never once feel like she was just a single mom since M was there helping her.

When she met her ex-husband, she asked M to be her man of honor. And when she wound up getting divorced, M stepped in to come to all of her doctor appointments while she was carrying her twins.

At every appointment, M held onto her hand and said that she was doing a wonderful job, and that made her tear up.

“M fussed over me,” she explained. “He made sure I was healthy, doing the recommended stretches and exercises, eating. He’d call every hour to make sure I was okay and didn’t need anything.”

artmim – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“It was hard being a mom to three, but M was ever-present. Since my daughter, and now the twins, we’ve raised them together. He even refers to the kids as “our kids.” He attends my daughter’s school matches and is constantly willing to play with the twins. My daughter and the twins refer to him as Uncle Dad (daughter) and Uncle Daddy (twins). M is in love with the twins, and I think I’m in love with him.”

“I started picturing our life together. Waking up next to each other. Being together romantically. M has been the most consistent person in my life and my kids’ lives.”

She really would love M to be in her life forever, but she can’t figure out if she truly loves him for him or if she simply loves what he means to her, which is having a perfect family, complete with a mom and a dad.

She has stopped to consider what her life would be like without him, and she couldn’t stand to think of it.

She is thinking it’s a good idea to ask M out on a date, but she is concerned that perhaps he isn’t into her.

She and M have been best friends for 13 long years, and their relationship has never once gone past a hug.

“I feel as though I might be reading too much into his actions,” she said. “M is your textbook definition of a Golden Retriever. He’s generally nice to everyone. I don’t want to make things awkward between us. I don’t want to strip my children of the best male remodel. I want my twins to grow up and be just like him.”

“I’m thinking of asking him out but can’t get out of my own head. I’m a mother of 3. even if M has helped me up until now, they’re still only my kids; he has no responsibility to them. I come with a lot of add-ons; it’s not just me.”

“I know M and his personality type; he might agree because he doesn’t want me to feel bad about myself. But it feels like I’m trapping him into by a father to my children. I’m so all over the place, I can barely be in the same room with him without wanting to hold his hand or kiss him, but then stopped myself because of what both I and my kids could potentially lose.”

Do you think she should ask M out, even if that changes things with them and the kids?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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