Here Are 10 Tips To Help You Make An Absolutely Perfect Profile On Any Dating Site

luengo_ua - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
luengo_ua - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

The following column is the opinion and analysis of the writer.

Want to know what an interview and a dating profile have in common? They both require you to talk about yourself.

Similar to talking about yourself in an interview, it can be daunting to know what to say in your dating profile to stand out and be seen as a top prospect. Likewise, it’s challenging to figure out how to talk about yourself in a way that will appeal to the person reading your profile.

You don’t want to sound arrogant, selfish, or desperate.

While online dating had a slow start, it has taken off in recent years. So whether you’re hunting for “the one” on a dating site or an app, here are 10 tips for making your dating profile perfect.

Tip #1: Choose your pictures wisely.

This isn’t just your profile picture. I’m talking about all the images on your profile. They say never judge a book by its cover, but with dating sites, you are constantly making judgment calls based on their cover (profile pic).

You want your picture or pictures to sell who you are. Ideally, you can have more than one photo on there. If you can have only one shot, try to make sure:

-The picture shows your whole face

luengo_ua – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

-The image has you smiling

-The image is not obscured or blurry

If you get to upload multiple pictures, try to make sure:

-The pictures show you engaging in your hobbies and out with friends

-The pictures show you with pets if you have any

-The pictures show you on vacation having fun

The goal is to show as much of your personality in your photos as possible. This will decrease the odds that potential matches swipe past you.

Tip #2: Make sure you fill out the whole profile.

Take advantage of all the fields and features you have access to.

If you can upload up to 10 photos, then do so. If you can verify your photos or personal information to unlock new features, do that. If you can upload a video message or a voice caption, do so.

This demonstrates you are thorough and willing to put in the effort. This will significantly increase the number of matches you will get compared to doing the bare minimum.

Tip #3: Provide details when you can.

This can include your hobbies, interests, favorites, and dislikes. For example, if you like reading, try listing your top three books and why you want them. If your favorite vacation spot is Norway, tell them what you loved about that vacation.

The goal here is to be detailed and provide examples. It’s a step up from just listing what you like. With more details, you give the reader a chance to get to know you.

This gives them a firm idea of who you are, so if they decide to match with you, they find you interesting and have a lot in common with you.

Tip #4: Don’t write a novel.

While you want to be detailed when answering questions, you still want to be concise. Writing 1-2 paragraphs is good, but writing a short novel is too much.

Too much detail will cause readers to swipe on. So instead, save some of the mystery for actual conversation together.

Tip #5: Get creative with your bio.

Something you can do is come up with a great conversation starter built into your bio. This can increase the odds someone will match with you and give them something to work with starting a conversation.

A great example would be, “Pineapple belongs on pizza – change my mind about it.” This lets people break the ice and either agree or disagree with you cleverly and playfully.

Tip #6: Be honest on your profile.

While it is tempting to stretch the truth to present yourself in the best light possible, honesty is the best policy in the long run.

The last thing you want to do is manage to land a hot date but finding out what they liked most about you was a lie.

Likewise, being open about your dorky side can be a good thing too. Tell them if you have little quirks, they should know right out of the gate. For example, tell them if you like quoting your favorite sitcom jokes in everyday situations.

This shows them you are not just another online profile – you have an actual personality.

Tip #7: Ask your friends to help out.

Sometimes, your friends know you better than you know yourself. Ask them to help you if you don’t know what to write on your dating profile, especially if that friend is of the opposite gender.

They can help you write in a way that would attract other matches. Who better to know how to write to attract quality guys than your guy friends?

Tip #8: Scope out the competition.

If you are having trouble figuring out what to write about, check out other profiles similar to yours.

How are they writing up their profile? How many pictures did they use? Did they write in a clever way or more professionally?

This will help inspire you to write up your dating profile.

Tip #9: Have some unique photos.

While you typically want your profile pictures to focus on your face or a full-body shot, you can do other pictures.

If you don’t show your face, go for an action shot like playing a sport or doing something awesome like skydiving.

This makes you look adventurous and increases the odds of a match if you don’t show your face clearly.

Tip #10: Spell-check yourself.

Do not leave spelling and grammar mistakes in your profile. This makes you look sloppy and inattentive.

For most, blatant grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes are a turn-off, so double-check yourself before you send your dating profile live.

With all that said, have fun and happy dating!

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