
Here’s How You Can Set Meaningful Intentions And Make Them Part Of Your Everyday Life

Yes, life is chaotic and unpredictable, and we may not be able to maintain our zen at all times. However, the more that we are able to practice intention setting, the more we will understand our inner needs, wants, and goals.

Afterward, we can start to navigate life with a bit more self-awareness and make decisions that are more well-suited for our intended paths.

Goals or Intentions?

Before you set out on an intention-setting journey, it is also important to clarify the difference between goals and intentions.

Goals pertain to the future and are more reliant on the act of “doing” something. For instance, you may want to get promoted at work or lose twenty pounds.

Intentions, on the other hand, are rooted in the here and now. If goals are the end destination, then intentions should be your journey and how you get there.

Some examples of intentions might include, “I choose to trust my intuition,” “I move my body in ways that make me feel good,” or “I intend to listen before I offer up my opinion.”

How To Start Setting Intentions

Once you understand the difference between goals and intentions, you can finally begin bringing this practice into your life.

The first step in your journey is to become crystal clear about what you intend to bring into your life. These qualities can be anything– just remember to keep them positivity-focused.

Many people opt to speak in the present tense, using “I am” or “I choose” to start putting their intentions into their daily lives. But you are also always welcome to use “I will” at the start of an intention.

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