
He’s Refusing To Be In The Delivery Room When His Pregnant Wife Gives Birth Because He Is Afraid He Will Faint

On top of that, he is also adamant that he will just get sick as soon as he sees any blood.

“It’s probably stupid, but I can’t help it,” he said.

In fact, he has reportedly fainted about a dozen times due to the sight of blood, and he believes that he would just be more of a hindrance rather than a help if he was in the delivery room.

Part of this fear might tie back to one video that one of his friends shared with him, which showed his friend’s wife giving birth. And apparently, he just could not bear to watch it.

“I understand that childbirth is a very natural, amazing, and wonderful event, but what I saw on that video, little as it was, still haunts me,” he explained.

He also pointed out how he is from the Balkans, where it is “actually pretty uncommon” for husbands to be present during the delivery of their children.

Nonetheless, ever since telling his wife that he does not want to be there, he admitted to feeling pretty ashamed.

He claims that his fear makes him feel weak, and he hates the fact that he cannot be there for his wife.

He also claimed to understand that his wife is the one who will really be going through the difficulties of birth, not just witnessing it.

However, he adamantly believes that he just will not be able to make it through the birth to support his wife without either passing out next to her or having to leave the room.

Understandably, though, his wife just got really upset after finding out about all of this. So, the couple has actually barely spoken to each other ever since.

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