
Quit Saying You’ll Chase Your Dreams “One Day,” And Make Today “Day One”

Get a savings journal that you can decorate, annotate, and use to track your progress. Or, participate in saving games like the 52 Week Savings Challenge to end up with an extra $1,378 by the end of the year.

Similarly, if the main roadblock preventing you from pursuing your goal is time, your first step is to take a long, hard look at your schedule. What parts of your daily routine are not necessary for your physical, mental, and emotional well-being?

Some people might be able to cut out an episode of their favorite Netflix show after dinner. Others might rather turn off their phones and cut down on social media screen time every morning.

The point is that somewhere, there is definitely an extra 20 minutes you can squeeze out of your day to work toward your goal.

If you are a caregiver or in a high-caliber career, it may feel daunting to lose even that small amount of time. But, you are worth the investment in yourself.

Then, in these tiny moments every single day– whether you are stuffing cash away in envelopes for a savings challenge or using your 20 minutes to focus on fitness, launching a business, or trying out a new hobby– you will be taking tiny steps toward your goal. And over time, these small efforts will add up to drastic results.

Do This For You

At the end of the day, you have to prioritize yourself. So many people– especially women– struggle with this idea since they are constantly expected to “do it all.”

Included in this all, though, is you. And by neglecting yourself, you will severely damage your mental health over time.

Identify what makes you happy and what doesn’t. Move past any insecurities or excuses that have held you back in the past. Decide how you want to live your life and what steps will get you there. Finally, commit to making it happen.

You would probably never scoff at a friend’s dream or discourage them from pursuing something that brings them joy. So, why would you ever do the same to yourself?

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