She Hid Her Pregnancy And Attended Her Sister-In-Law’s Baby Shower, But While At The Event, She Went Into False Labor, And Now Her Sister-In-Law Is Accusing Her Of Pulling A “Baby Stunt”

New Africa - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
New Africa - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This young woman is 23-years-old and currently 8 months pregnant. But she has kept her pregnancy a secret all these months and was only planning to tell people around the eight-month mark.

This is because just a few months after she found out she was expecting, her sister-in-law, who is 26, also discovered she was pregnant. So, she claims that at that point, it felt too awkward to announce the news.

Apparently, she and her husband have also only been married for about six months now. So, even though they have been on and off since age 14– and permanently together since age 16– they just wanted to wait for what felt like the “right time” to make the pregnancy announcement.

Back when she and her husband were 17-years-old, they also found out she was pregnant once before. During that pregnancy, though, she had some complications and sadly gave birth to a premature stillborn at 25 weeks.

“So, this pregnancy, we have been extra cautious and secretive,” she explained.

Over the past few months, she has not really seen her family. Even so, she claims that she “carries small.”

Plus, once her belly bump started to get bigger, she opted to wear a lot of hoodies and loose clothing. That way, it appeared as though she had just gained weight and was not really pregnant.

Recently, though, her sister-in-law invited her and her husband to a baby shower. And at first, she was very hesitant about attending.

In fact, her initial plan was just to give her husband her baby shower gift and have him deliver it to her sister-in-law at the party. Her sister-in-law was not pleased with that idea, though, and insisted that she had to go, too.

New Africa – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

So, she decided to try her best to hide her baby bump and attend the baby shower anyway.

And at first, everything appeared to be going well. According to her, no one really noticed– or rather pointed out– her belly.

“I mean, I got a few looks, but no one asked me anything,” she recalled.

But then, about an hour into the event, she started experiencing some tiny cramps that grew more and more aggressive. So, after a while, she was forced to tell her husband that they needed to leave and head to the hospital.

Right as they were walking out, though, she suffered a sharp pain that caused her to nearly stumble over and grab a nearby picnic table– which drew some attention to herself. And at that point, she honestly thought she was in labor since the pains were becoming so intense.

At the same time, more people started surrounding her and her husband to ask what was wrong. So, her husband– who was panicking himself– was forced to spill the beans,

“She’s pregnant, guys. She’s pregnant; something’s going on. We have to leave,” her husband told everyone before rushing her to the hospital.

Thankfully, by the time they got to the hospital, her pains had subsided, and the doctors told her she had just experienced false labor. Unfortunately, though, she and her husband had to deal with a ton of anger on behalf of the rest of her family.

Apparently, her sister-in-law and other party guests started sending furious texts about how it was messed up for her to hide the pregnancy. They also claimed it was unbelievable for her to show up at the baby shower pregnant and be so secretive about it.

Finally, she even got accused of pulling a “baby stunt” at her sister-in-law’s party.

“Just a lot of not-nice texts. Not one was asking if I was alright,” she vented.

So now, with basically her whole family angry at her, she has been left wondering if keeping her pregnancy a secret and showing up at her sister-in-law’s baby shower was the wrong thing to do.

Is it understandable why she wanted to keep the pregnancy a secret, given her last loss? Does it seem like she tried to make the baby shower about her, or was it truly an accident? Do her good intentions make up for what happened at the event or not? If you were in this unfortunate situation, how would you feel?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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