Her Boyfriend Broke Up With Her Just So He Could Cheat On A Work Trip That He Took But It Doesn’t Seem Like He Thinks He Did Anything Wrong

Volodymyr - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Volodymyr - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 23-year-old girl has a boyfriend who is 27, and they have been dating for a little under a year, 10 months to be exact.

Now, her boyfriend travels a ton for work, to the point where he’s gone almost every week. He recently left to go on a work trip, and before he left, things got ugly.

They got into some kind of a disagreement about his job prior to him leaving.

“Last Friday, I received a weird text from him saying we’re done as a couple,” she explained. “He said it was over, and we could talk about handling the breakup once he’s home.”

“I was startled. (What) just happened; I had no idea. I waited for him to come back, and it turns out he broke up with me on the spot so he could sleep with another girl at the hotel without technically “cheating.”

“He’s telling me that it’s my choice to leave the relationship or stay, but we have to settle our differences if I choose to stay.”

She says that he has been acting super normal about all of this, and it doesn’t look like he thinks he did anything wrong by dumping her to cheat in the first place.

Additionally, his behavior has made it seem to her like he never cared about her or their relationship at all.

She thinks he got caught up in “a moment” and had no problem throwing her and what they had out like trash.

Volodymyr – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

She is left feeling completely confused, and she’s not sure if he is making sense or if she’s the “crazy” one in this situation.

What do you think? Do you think this is something she could work through with him, or do you think she should just walk away from him over this?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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