This Server Only Got A $3 Tip From A Table Of Customers That Spent 6 Hours At Her Restaurant

Cultura Creative - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
Cultura Creative - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

One of my favorite sayings regarding treating waiters and waitresses properly is, “If you can’t afford to tip, you can’t afford to eat out.”

Sure, there are several valid reasons for not tipping a server between 15-20%. Perhaps they never checked on you or were outwardly rude.

But if a server provides excellent service, it should reflect in their tip. 

One waitress recently made a TikTok video about how a table she was serving only tipped her $3 after she waited on them for six hours

Courtney (@courtneyxsekeres) was working a breakfast shift when she seated the table of people who ended up staying there the entire afternoon. 

Ironically, Courtney mentions in a follow-up video that she had lovely interactions with these customers. They told her multiple times throughout their meal that she was giving them great service. 

During those six hours, the customers actually apologized for taking up Courtney’s time and table. Being kind, Courtney told them they could stay as long as they wanted.

In her follow-up video, Courtney stresses that she would never kick out a table of guests, especially if they were already being respectful.  

Yet, once they finally left, Courtney went to collect her tip from them, which ended up being a measly $3. 

Cultura Creative – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Many TikTok users gave Courtney their support, understanding how frustrating that experience must’ve been.

But unfortunately, some commenters decided to use Courtney’s comment section as an opportunity to bash waitressing as a job.

Many commented that Courtney should “get a degree” or “get a better job.” In her follow-up video, she explains that she not only has a college degree and is about to become a nurse, but when she’s tipped properly, she can make up to $70 an hour during her waitressing job. 

Courtney also took the time to stress how important it is to give your servers a decent tip when they do a good job because, most of the time, servers in America don’t make enough of an hourly wage to support themselves fully. Many servers in the United States will tell you that they are incredibly reliant on the tips they make. Unfortunately, that’s just the way it is!

We hope that one day that table with the six-hour breakfast returns to the restaurant and gives Courtney the proper tip she deserves! 

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