
If You Want To Live Your Life To The Fullest, You Have To Accept These 5 Uncomfortable Truths

Allow “life” to influence your plans. Maybe you will be led on an even better, more exciting path than you could have predicted.

And to start changing your mindset about this, you can swap the word “plan” for “goal.” Plans are a bit too concrete– making you think of itineraries, to-do lists, and timelines.

Goals are much more free-flowing, with a million ways of reaching your end destination. So, even if something happens, you may just be embarking on a new journey toward your goal that could be even more exciting than the one you had “planned.”

No One Knows What They’re Doing

You may look on social media and be convinced that everyone has it figured out. Someone you went to high school with may look like they’re “living their best life” abroad; meanwhile, a coworker just announced their third promotion in two years on LinkedIn.

Even closer to home, your parents or siblings might seem like they are killing it at life– with their on-time mortgage payments and rising 401Ks.

The truth is, though, that everyone is just figuring it out as they go. Your peers are probably doing the same thing as you– looking at social media and wondering how everyone else is getting through life. And even older people like our parents may have wisdom, but they are still living their first (and only) life.

So, give yourself some grace! And stop looking to everyone else for the “answers.” The truth is, there are no rights or wrongs, and everyone is just as confused as you are.

You Can Never Truly Rely On Anyone But Yourself

You may find an issue with this uncomfortable truth– particularly if you have a long-term partner or spouse or even a best friend who you consider your “ride or die.” It might even seem depressing, too.

Quite frankly, though, accepting this uncomfortable truth is liberating.

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