
Peonies Are An Impressive Addition To Any Garden, And Here’s How You Can Successfully Grow All 3 Varieties

The best time to plant peonies is in the fall before the first frost. You could plant them in the spring, but spring-planted peonies don’t do as well, and they lag a year behind those planted in the fall. Space the plants three to four feet apart to give the blooms room to grow.

You also want to ensure that you don’t plant the roots too deeply; otherwise, they won’t flower. Place peonies no more than two inches below the soil.

Peonies love areas with full sun and well-drained soil. When you water them, do so at the base of the plant to avoid getting droplets on the foliage and risking disease.

Feed your peonies with compost or fertilizer once a year if you have rich, fertile soil. Choose a fertilizer with higher levels of phosphorous and potassium to coax out intense blooms.

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