
If You Have Some Stepsibling Rivalry Going On With The Kids In Your Family, Here’s How You Can Maintain Peace

Together with your partner, sit everyone down and explain the rules and any consequences that will follow if the rules are breached.

Keep the expectations consistent for everyone, and don’t give out any special treatment.

Act As A Role Model

Kids take cues from their parents on how to act. They can sense when parents are feeling tense and stressed. That stress may influence their feelings, which in turn affects their behavior.

And that animosity will be taken out on the siblings.

So even during times of hardship, when you’re feeling the pressures of life, work, and parenting, do your best to uphold your composure and be a role model.

Handle any conflicts or frustrations in a calm, respectful manner.

Have Designated Bonding Time

Bonding time is an essential step for encouraging stepsiblings to get along. Regular family dinners or game nights involving each family member will help strengthen connections.

In addition, spend some quality time with each individual child. It doesn’t always have to be an extravagant activity.

Chatting with them one-on-one will make the child feel cared for and included.

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