
She Refused To Show Her Relative Her Wedding Dress, Even Though She Suspects Her Relative Is Just Getting Nervous Their Dresses Will Be Too Similar Since They’re Both Getting Married This Summer

Many people have the same concern when it comes to wearing prom dresses and wedding dresses. They don’t want anyone to wear the same one as them.

One woman recently angered her fellow engaged relative after refusing to show her the dress she’ll wear to her upcoming wedding. 

She’s getting married this summer, and coincidentally, so is one of her relatives, Jane.

They’re getting married weeks apart, and unfortunately, since they both became engaged, Jane and her mom have been consistently trying to one-up her wedding. 

For instance, Jane’s mom tried to get her to switch her wedding date further from Jane’s after the venue was already paid for. 

“Last time we saw each other, they asked about the wedding dress,” she recalled.

“I had only been to a few shops and hadn’t picked yet. They were very intense about seeing my top contenders.”

She became frustrated with the nagging over the dress and refused to show Jane and her mom. Instead, she wants it to be a surprise for her ceremony.

On the other hand, Jane has shown off her dress multiple times and has been demanding that her dress can’t look anything like it.

Africa Studio- – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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