
She’s Talking About How She Handled A Situation In Which Her Kids Were Being Difficult By Eating Their Cake Pops

Africa Studio-, illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

This mom is taking to TikTok to describe one of her latest parenting tactics. It may have been a bit unconventional, but it seemed to have worked effectively on her kids

TikToker Britt (@britt.ostofe) is explaining how she handled a situation in which her kids were being difficult by eating their cake pops.

“Nothing like plowing down 2 birthday cake pops at 8:30 AM,” she wrote in the caption of the video. And she doesn’t have any regrets about it!

So Britt was taking her kids to camp, and they were all driving each other crazy in the car. Since they were already late to camp anyway, she decided to make a stop at Starbucks for a well-deserved treat.

She vowed to buy some cake pops for her kids and apologize to them for being “a complete monster.”

But while they were in line at the Starbucks, her son became annoyed because her daughter was stretching the tips of her fingers on the top of his car seat.

Of course, he started screeching about how she was in his bubble. Britt informed her kids that if they didn’t calm down, they would not get any cake pops.

However, the threat was not enough to stop any further chaos, for her kids began losing it. When Britt received the cake pops, her kids looked at them expectantly.

But Britt devoured both of the cake pops right in front of them. Immediately, they started demanding how she could do that.

Africa Studio-, illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

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