
He Went On A Date With A Girl Who Used Photos On Her Dating Profile From A Decade Ago And Was At Least 100 Pounds Heavier Too, But Then She Cried And Called Him Her Soulmate

Guys Who Shoot - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Everyone has a crazy date story these days. Some of them are so shocking that it makes you lose the desire to want to be in the dating world ever again!

TikTok user @bonecrusher1020 shares the story of the worst date that he has ever had.

He had recently gotten out of college and was working full time, and was still living in the small college town. Since most of his friends had already moved away, he got pretty bored and decided to download some dating apps in an effort to meet new people.

He ended up matching with a girl who he didn’t really consider his typical type but was cute, and they had a nice conversation together. However, their work schedules were making it difficult to plan a time to meet up. One day, she had a day off and offered to meet up with him after his shift. He agreed and told her to pick a time and a place to meet up at.

The place that she chose to meet up at was not something that he would have chosen as a good first date spot, but he went along with it. As he pulls up to the dive bar, he sees a woman getting out of her car that looks similar to his match, but he can’t tell if it’s really her.

“It was the same person, but there was probably a solid decade in between the photos used on the app and the person standing in front of me and probably a solid hundred-pound weight difference of gain,” he described.

He immediately felt that she was very deceptive and was clearly in her 30s, while he was only in his early 20s at the time. Still, he went along with it, still wanting to give the woman a chance. As they enter the dive bar together, he soon realizes that she is friends with the bartender, and before he knows it, she introduces him to her friend as his boyfriend! Quickly, the red flags started flying.

As they get their drinks, he wonders if he should have gone through with this date. He mistakenly mentioned to her that he had plans in 3 hours, but he wanted to leave within the first 10 minutes. He decided to tough it out and hope that the 3 hours went by fast.

The conversation between the pair was not very good, and soon she revealed that she had a 9-year-old son and was still living with her drug-addict of a husband and his parents. He was shocked by all of this information that his date was dumping on him!

Guys Who Shoot – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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