
If You Want To Decrease The Amount Of Dust In Your Home And Improve Your Air Quality, Here’s What You Can Do To Get Started

Iona - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Dust is an outright nuisance. It’s also pretty revolting. If you weren’t aware, dust is actually a combination of a lot of things: dead skin cells, hair, animal dander, and fabric fibers, just to name a few.

But don’t get us wrong–-the presence of dust is not a sign of bad housekeeping. No matter how often you clean your home, dust will always make an appearance.

Not only is dust unseemly, but it can also exacerbate health problems. People with asthma and allergies can be put at risk when faced with piles of dust.

So if you’re interested in learning how to lessen the amount of dust in your home and significantly improve your air quality, here’s what you can do to get started.

Vacuum Regularly

If you have pets and carpeted floors, it’s recommended to vacuum every other day. Carpets that see a lot of household activity end up collecting more dust than you can even imagine. Vacuuming isn’t just for floors, either. Curtains and furniture also need to be vacuumed regularly.

Don’t forget to clean and empty your vacuum after using it. A dirty vacuum might be spreading more dust than picking it up, which defeats the whole purpose of vacuuming.

Ban Shoes In The House

Before walking into your home, wipe your feet on a doormat and take off your shoes. Shoes carry all kinds of dirt particles and debris that contribute to dust.

Iona – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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