
According To Feng Shui, There Is A Way For You To Attract Luck And Positive Energy To Your Home

okrasiuk - - illustrative purposes only

Have you been down on your luck lately? Maybe you need an adjustment in your surroundings. Change your luck and attract positive energy into your home by following the principles of feng shui!

Feng shui is an ancient Chinese philosophy all about placements that will improve the flow of energy or “chi” in your home. The right balance of cleanliness, interior design, and layout will invite harmony, health, and happiness into your home.

Feng shui practices can also assist in attracting good luck and fortune. So if you need to make a change in your life, it can’t hurt to move some furniture around according to feng shui rules.

Your first order of business should be your front door. It may not be the first place that comes to mind when you go to clean your house, but a tidy entryway will help welcome in positive energy.

After all, the front door is your gateway. When that area isn’t in accordance with feng shui, the rest of your house will be off-balance as well. A cluttered entrance will disrupt the flow of energy into your home.

Keep the pathway clear and make sure it’s well-lit. In addition, red is considered the most auspicious color in Chinese culture. The bright hue is a symbol of good fortune and vitality. So if it fits with your design aesthetic, paint your front door red and incorporate red decor items in your space.

Next, rearrange your furniture to create circular walking paths. Walking in circles is considered a form of meditation that helps you calm your mind.

Furniture positioned in this way promotes harmonious relationships because it allows for smoother flow and interaction among those living in the home. Try placing two couches across from each other and moving the coffee table in the center.

Another way to attract luck is to be mindful of the commanding position. The commanding position is about being in the most advantageous spot to protect yourself.

okrasiuk – – illustrative purposes only

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