
He Overheard His Mom Telling Her Friends That It’s Better She Didn’t Waste Her Money On Him Since He Was Her Practice Kid

Then, the mothers started talking about kindergarten since a few of their children would be starting school soon.

His mother, heavily under the influence by this point, thought of another childhood story of his to share.

She talked about how she convinced his school to let him go to gym class in his winter boots because those were the only pair of shoes that he had at the time.

She was smiling and laughing, but the rest of the mother’s facial expressions did not match hers.

Still, she continued and expressed how it’s great that Melody can have all of the shoes she wants now and how it’s probably for the best that she didn’t waste money on her practice kid since he got into trouble so much.

He could not believe what he was hearing at this point, and before he heard any more, he decided to leave the situation immediately.

“I texted my mom, ‘I’m glad you find how poor and miserable we were so funny, but it really upsets me how you clearly think of me as practice for Mel. I’m going, so someone should watch the kids.’ I then left without talking to anyone,” he stated.

When he returned home, he saw multiple texts from her, angry at him for leaving and annoyed that he couldn’t take what was to her an obvious joke.

She claimed that since they were her stories to tell, she could tell them in whatever way she wanted to.

Also, she called him sensitive and told him that he should see a therapist, even though she is well aware that he already does.

He was too upset to respond at that moment, but now he’s wondering if what he did was wrong.

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