
She Finally Cut Off Her Brother’s Baby Mama And Is Now Making This Girl Pay Her Own Bills After Her Mom Kept Sending Her Close To $1,000 Every Month

pololia - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

The past few years have been extremely challenging for this woman. Back in April 2021, her mom was diagnosed with ALS.

Then, in September of that year, her 28-year-old younger brother passed away following an accidental fentanyl overdose.

The following year was also very difficult since her 41-year-old sister nearly died due to alcoholism in 2022. And that same year, her dad also nearly died due to congestive heart failure.

And more recently, in May of this year, her mom died of ALS.

It is probably tough to imagine dealing with this much turmoil over such a short period of time. But, while she’s attempted to cope with all of these losses and near-death experiences, her younger brother’s  30-year-old “baby mama” has not been helping whatsoever.

Before her mother died, her brother’s girlfriend actually had her mother paying for practically everything.

Her mom paid for everything from the girl’s new car, car insurance, phone, and phone bill to clothes and toys for her 8-year-old nephew.

“This all adds up to nearly a thousand dollars a month. My mom was doing this so that she could still have access and see my nephew– my dead brother’s son,” she explained.

However, her brother’s “baby mama” does not work, and claims to have chronic back pain. But, according to her, the girl has already been to numerous doctors who all refuse to prescribe any more pain medication or fill out more disability paperwork.

pololia – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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