
She Got Sick Of Being The Designated Driver For Her Friends And Told Them It Wasn’t Fair, But They Accused Her Of Being Selfish

Zoran Zeremski - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This 23-year-old woman has been friends with the same group of girls ever since they were in high school. She always genuinely enjoyed their company, which is why they’ve managed to remain so close.

But, ever since she got her own car and her driver’s license a few years ago, she’s been the designated driver for practically all of their group’s outings, and she’s starting to get sick of it.

To be clear, in the beginning, she really didn’t mind chauffeuring all of her friends around. After all, she was just excited to drive her own car, and she enjoyed helping her friends out.

“But, over time, it’s become a regular expectation that I’ll pick everyone up and drop them off, no matter where we’re going or how far it is,” she explained.

“They rarely offer to chip in for gas, and sometimes, they even make plans without considering how it affects me and my schedule.”

Just last weekend, her friends finally pushed her over the edge, too. It all began when they decided to take a day trip to a city that’s located about two hours away. Just like always, she was also expected to drive the entire group there.

However, she finally decided to ask her friends to chip in for some gas money – given how far away the city was.

“Only one of them offered a small amount, and the rest just brushed it off, saying they were low on cash,” she revealed.

Then, during the drive, she overheard her friends talking all about their recent shopping sprees and other purchases. This understandably made her feel bad and like she was getting taken advantage of, too.

Zoran Zeremski – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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