His In-Laws Are Very Wealthy, So He Was Surprised When They Asked For A Couple Hundred Dollars A Week To Babysit

M Moller/peopleimages.com - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
M Moller/peopleimages.com - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Some people are lucky enough that their parents want to step in and babysit when they have children. 

One man is taken aback after thinking his in-laws would babysit their grandchild but found out his father-in-law wanted to charge him and his wife hundreds of dollars a week.

He and his wife meticulously planned where they would live and what they’d like to do regarding childcare before having their first baby.

They moved to a home close to great schools and a great community, but more importantly, it’s minutes away from his wife’s parents.

The same year he and his wife were expecting their baby, his 66-year-old mother-in-law announced she was planning on retiring.

They knew they’d eventually have to return to work when the baby was born, so they were juggling their childcare options.

That’s when his mother-in-law said she’d retire slightly early to spend time with her grandchild and babysit daily. His father-in-law seemed enthusiastic about this arrangement at the time as well.

“Whenever we talked to them about babysitting, they loved the idea,” he explained.

“Since her mom would be retiring, it would work out perfectly, and they’d get to see their grandchild every day or most days.”

M Moller/peopleimages.com – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

“Soon after we had our baby, maternity [and] paternity leave was up. I was going back to work, my wife had another month left, and her dad started talking about paying them for babysitting.”

His father-in-law has always been a frugal man and was very sensitive when it came to finances and financial security.

He was always against “free handouts” and made his wife work hard as a young woman while helping her out here and there.

He also knows his father-in-law is well off, as he’s mentioned having millions of dollars put away for retirement and makes around $150,000 a year.

While he and his wife were planning on paying his in-laws for helping them babysit, his father-in-law became insistent and began demanding payments, making him uncomfortable.

They never planned on taking advantage of his in-laws, but that seems to be what his father-in-law thinks is happening. 

“He started to compare [the] pricing of daycares in today’s market and how much he would start charging us weekly,” he recalled.

“After his research, he surmised his amount to $400 [per week] for babysitting and $100 for weekends, and we were shocked. We thought to ourselves, at that rate, we might as well just take our baby to daycare and not have to drive back and forth.”

As he and his wife aren’t as well-off as his in-laws, he doesn’t feel comfortable paying that much for them to babysit their grandchild.

After much discussion, they figured they’d have to find alternative childcare, and now his in-laws will only be able to see their baby on weekends and occasional visits. 

At the same time, he can’t help but wonder if he’s in the wrong for not accepting the offer and prices his father-in-law set. 

Should he feel bad for not wanting to pay his in-laws that much money for babysitting?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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