After Second-Guessing Her Relationship, She Overheard Her Boyfriend Reaffirming His Love For Her, And It Made Her Feel So In Love

rostyslav84 - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
rostyslav84 - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 20-year-old woman has been with her boyfriend, who is also 20, for 10 months. And this past week, she went camping with him, his family, and his family friends.

Now, she did know her boyfriend’s parents because they went to high school together. But this was the first time she got to meet all of his cousins and extended family– which she thought was a great experience.

Nonetheless, for the past month, she has been second-guessing their relationship. She didn’t want to break up with her boyfriend or anything, but she was questioning the fact that she was in such a supportive and healthy relationship right now.

This was because her last two relationships were apparently extremely toxic, leaving her with pretty severe trust issues.

But, her current boyfriend has been really patient with her– breaking down her barriers and helping her open up.

“And seeing him have a good relationship with everyone there made me feel like I was out of place and a burden,” she explained.

“I know, it probably doesn’t make sense, but my brain is dumb sometimes.”

However, on Thursday, her entire perception of her relationship changed after overhearing a conversation between her boyfriend and his cousin.

It all began that night when she started to have severe back pain. For context, she had been in a car accident back in March that resulted in two broken bones in her back.

rostyslav84 – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

So, standing for long periods of time now causes pain– which was why she headed to her boyfriend’s room to lie down and close her eyes.

And after about 10 minutes of her resting, her boyfriend went in to check on her and must have thought she was sleeping. So, he left and went outside to the deck to sit with his cousin– which was right next to the bedroom.

That’s why she was able to hear their entire conversation loud and clear.

Since her boyfriend and his cousin are reportedly very close, they first started talking about their respective relationships. His cousin also brought up how she was dealing with some guy issues.

Then, her boyfriend started talking about his relationship. But according to her, he only had positive things to say about her.

First, her boyfriend called her the best thing that had ever happened to him. She also found out that he used to have a huge crush on her back in high school but never spoke a word to her until last year.

And in the past, she had been worried about her boyfriend cheating on her since it had already happened to her twice in past relationships.

But during that conversation with his cousin, her boyfriend claimed that the thought never crossed his mind.

“She isn’t afraid of trying new things, she cooks for me, listens to my rambles about sports, and listens to me in general, which only you and her do, and she just exudes positive energy,” her boyfriend told his cousin.

“Why would I cheat on a woman like her? Maybe I’m doing something wrong, and if I am, I wish she would tell me so I can fix it.”

She has not been able to stop thinking about those kind words ever since.

And while her boyfriend and his cousin continued chatting, she just felt herself falling deeper in love with him.

Then, he eventually went back into the bedroom, laid down beside her, and started to rub her back. At that point, she admitted to overhearing his conversation and told her boyfriend how much she appreciated everything he did for her.

She also reassured her boyfriend that he had done nothing wrong, blaming her mind for just creating some insecurities.

Afterward, she spent the next half hour just showering her boyfriend with words of affirmation and playing with his hair before they went back outside to play a game with the rest of his family.

“I have never been more attracted to someone like I am to him. For the past three days, I have just been staring at his beautiful face and admiring how kind he is to everyone,” she revealed.

So now, for the first time in a long time, she finally feels happy and at peace. She also plans to reach out to her therapist to better herself and stop allowing her past trauma to mess with her mind and her relationship.

Has your partner ever reaffirmed your relationship? How would that sense of security make you feel? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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