
One Simple Thing You Can Do To Live More Sustainably And Help Fight Climate Change Is To Start Composting

Next, make your compost mix. The two main components for this mix will be your “greens” and “browns.” The greens are wet ingredients like fruit and vegetable peels or grass clippings. They provide nitrogen, which is essential for plant growth.

The browns are dry stuff like pine needles, newspapers, and dried leaves. The brown materials should go toward the bottom of your compost pile because they help with air and water flow.

When layering your compost pile, follow a pattern of brown, green, brown, and green. The number of layers will depend on your space and the amount of food scraps you have, but overall, you want more browns than greens.

After that, all you really have to do is wait for decomposition to occur. To help the process along, regularly rotate the pile and make sure it’s getting adequate airflow. You want the pile to be damp but not sopping wet.

You’ll know your compost is ready to be added to your plants when it starts to release a fresh, green, earthy smell. If your compost smells like garbage, it’s most likely not decomposing because it’s too wet. If that’s the case, you may need to adjust your recipe.

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