
She Finally Cut Off Her Brother’s Baby Mama And Is Now Making This Girl Pay Her Own Bills After Her Mom Kept Sending Her Close To $1,000 Every Month

Her nephew’s mother is also in and out of rehabilitation facilities for opioid abuse. In fact, the week before her brother passed away, the girl actually overdosed, too.

But she knows that the girl’s parents have a lot of money because they have actually told her.

So, two months after her mother died, she asked the girl to take over the phone bill and insurance.

Then, she told her nephew’s mother to either pay off the car– since the girl already got all of her brother’s life insurance– or she offered to just sell the vehicle.

Yet the girl’s own parents apparently did not want to take over the remaining payments– worth $17,000– since they didn’t want to pay interest.

“Apparently, they were fine with my mom paying interest,” she explained.

“And the woman sends me some money to pay the bills, but it’s not all of it, and I’m already knee-deep in my mom’s paperwork and bills because I’m the executor.”

So, she has honestly been feeling quite miserable. On the one hand, she obviously loves her nephew and wants to remain in his life.

But on the other hand, she cannot afford to just act like the girl’s parent or secretary.

“She keeps just saying it’s been so hard for her with my mom dying. And I live six hours away from her, so it’s not like I can easily just fix this, either,” she vented.

That’s why she wound up deciding to give the girl two months to switch everything over and take financial responsibility.

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