
She Was Accused Of Outshining Her Husband After She Decided To Announce Her Pregnancy At His Birthday Party

Then, later that day, one of her husband’s best friends, who she’s never gotten along with, made her feel guilty.

Her husband’s friend approached her in the kitchen and said it was selfish of her to announce the baby news during his birthday party.

“He even accused me of doing it on purpose because, according to him, I cannot stand it when all attention is not me,” she recalled.

“I decided not to argue with him because he’s never liked me, but I can’t help feeling awful.”

Throughout the rest of his birthday, her husband never hinted that he was upset over her announcement timing.

She chose not to tell him what his friend said to her in the kitchen, and she still wonders if she should’ve waited to tell her husband about the baby at a different time.

Did she do anything wrong by announcing her pregnancy during her husband’s party?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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