
She Went On A Date With A Guy Who Was Super Pushy, And He Wanted To Take A 40 Minute Walk To Another Bar

chika_milan - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

TikToker Courtney Park (@courtneeypark)  is detailing the worst first date of her entire life, where the guy was super pushy and seemed obsessed with taking walks.

So she had matched with a guy on a dating app and decided to go on a date to a bar. Before they had even met, Courtney felt that the guy was behaving weirdly.

For instance, he was persistent about wanting to FaceTime her. Courtney told him she would rather have their first interaction in person. He continued begging even after she told him no, but Courtney stayed firm.

On the night of the date, she was headed to the bar to meet up with him when he suddenly texted her, asking if they could meet in front of a grocery store instead.

The grocery store was two blocks away from the bar and had bright lights, so he would be able to see her face clearly. However, he was running late, and it was cold outside, so Courtney informed him that she would be waiting inside the bar.

When he arrived, he appeared to be normal. But he insisted on walking to a nearby park since there was a ten to fifteen-minute wait at the bar.

He would not let up on the walk, so Courtney agreed. As they walked toward the park, he reached inside his pocket and pulled out a container of chopped strawberries.

Courtney was reluctant to accept food that a complete stranger prepared in their home, but she didn’t want to refuse them, so she took a couple. After about a minute or so, he said she didn’t have to eat them if she didn’t want to.

Then, he reached into his pocket again and presented a pair of gloves to her because she seemed cold. She declined, but he strongly urged her to wear them. They went back and forth about the gloves multiple times until he finally let it go.

chika_milan – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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