
She Went On A Disastrous Date With A Doctor Who Lied To Her About Having A Child

Visualmind - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

When you think of how a doctor should behave, you probably imagine someone intelligent, respectful, and professional. TikToker Kaity (@kaityapples) is telling a bad dating story that will haunt her memory until the end of time.

She went out with a doctor who displayed zero out of three of the qualities mentioned above, which seriously makes me scared for his patients.

Last year, she matched with a guy on a dating app who claimed to be a doctor. At first, she assumed he meant that he was a dentist or had a Ph.D., but he clarified that he was an internal medicine physician.

They video-chatted before going on an actual date, and at some point during their conversation, he mentioned that he was five feet and seven inches tall. He also told her that he didn’t have any kids.

Eventually, he asked her if she wanted to get Chinese food, and Kaity wasn’t one to turn down Chinese food, so she agreed. When she arrived at the restaurant, he was already there, sitting at the table. As she walked toward him, he did not stand up to greet her, which she interpreted as a red flag.

They were having a nice conversation and an enjoyable dinner when he casually brought up that he had an 11-year-old child, even though he had previously told her he didn’t have children.

As they left the restaurant, he tried to put his arm around her shoulders. Kaity is five feet and four inches tall and had worn flats on their date. He had to stretch his arm upward and practically stand on his tip-toes to reach her. At most, he was five feet and three inches tall.

Then, he invited her back to his apartment. She accepted his invitation because she was curious to know what else he had lied to her about.

After about fifteen minutes of being in his apartment, he exposed himself to her. Kaity informed him that she was not interested and that he had drastically misread the situation. She decided to leave, and as she was leaving, he asked if he could see her again sometime.

Visualmind – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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